Robert Frost affirmed that poetry is lost in translation.
I set at doing an experiment to disprove this and i picked the most assured material to dispel every mind of Robert Frost's caveat to translation. A song. Not just any song, a poetic kind and i translated it into English language.
Might i quip that i am more dexterous in the English than my mother tongue, Yoruba in which this song was written but what the heck! I face challenges headlong with my arsenal. My arsenal is passable Yoruba and a slippery grasp of English grammar, for i am only proficient in
my ability to juggle words as if I am a circus man.
Whatever. Find my translation below and be the judge. My inference is RF is right.
Asa's Bamidele , Bonus track in her sophomore effort, Beautiful Imperfection
Either you are happy or not,
You must accompany me home
Even if it will take some force,
We must go together to my father's house.
Akinyele wants to marry wife,
He doesnt want to pay some brideprice, you better find it.
Akinyele Jinadu does not want to pay
Some brideprice, you better find it
Akinyele o(8ce)
I feel cold,
I suffer backache,
Come home with me.
Didn't you say the same thing yesterday
I'm back again, lets go meet my parents
Headstrong lawyer, first class liar
Stupid, pay before service.
My mother did give birth to me,
My father nurtured me,
I'm not fit for registry marriage, literate lawyer.
Akinyele o(8ce)
Headstrong lawyer first class liar
Stupid, pay before service.
You indulge so much in drinking,
Eating and flirting that u dont no better.
Akinyele o, till fade.
thank u for this one